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Search for threats in the leading IOC databases from one place

Check your files, file hashes, IP addresses, domains and URLs to see WHOIS & DNS information, indicators of compromise and more - in one convenient place.

Including data from these leading security information authorities and many more

It's simple to get started. Just search for a file hash, URL, domain, IP address or attach a file - we'll do the rest.

We'll search against the leading IOC databases and show any information they hold.

From there, you have the ability to click through to an information authority to gain more insight to help your investigation.

Built by the security experts, for SOC analysts and the Cyber Community.

We're the UK's leading independently owned Cyber Security company. Our many years' experience in the field allowed us to see a gap in the market and fill it.

Find out more about or add Dracoeye to your toolbox today.

This is just the start - there's more exciting features yet to come to Dracoeye.

Dracoeye has been developed with SOC Analysts and Cyber Security Experts in mind. As such our features have been influenced by the community feedback we've received.

As we continue the development of Dracoeye, we want to know what you want to see. Provide feedback to help scope future features.

Dracoeye in action

Searching with Dracoeye

Start by entering a Domain, Email Address, IP address, Url, file hash or attach a file.

We search across leading information sources and IOC databases including Threat Fox from, Spamhaus, Blacklist Checker, AlienVault by LevelBlue/Labs and many more. What's more, for URL domain, IP and Email addresses, we'll do DNS lookups and WHOIS searches, providing that information too.

The results come back, where you can filter results by severity, and even click through to the service providing the information. All of this allows you to make the right judgement call.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dracoeye free?

Yes. Dracoeye is free to use. While we may include paid-for features in the future, the core functionality will remain free of charge.

This means you will always be able to search for domains, IP addresses, email addresses, URLs and file hashes at no cost. When searching for file hashes, we check for that hash with industry leading IOC (indicator of compromise) databases and return any results from them. When searching for domains, URLs and email addresses, we will provide you with the same IOC results, along with DNS records and WHOIS information. With IP addresses, you'll see IOC threat results and WHOIS data.

All of this, absolutely free.

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